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English conversation


I agree with Harma, much better to try and then learn from your mistakes than to say nothing. It isn't easy though! It would be lovely to see some of your husband's paintings.

I've just remembered something I collect! Fridge magnets! I love them & my daughters always buy me one when they go away on holiday.

I didn't know there was a Florentine garden centre that has a collection of Hemerocallis! I must search for them on Google and go to see them in the spring!

Here are a couple of corrections for you Harma.
I tried a lot of times.
Here you need present pefect - I have tried a lot of times.
It connects the past with the present & makes us think that you haven't finished trying to grow hostas. Your action isn't completely finished.

I don't like pots too much - It should be - I don't like pots very much - too much is 'troppo'.

Herbs with an 'h'

I find hostas very easy to grow in pots. I think they would be difficult in the ground because they need so much water. My biggest problem is snails eating the new leaves. I don't like using poison in my garden, but this year I'm going to use something to kill the little beasts.
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Giardinauta Senior
goodmorning to everybody!

ip60: your problem with snails is easy to solve they say to put some eggshells on the ground...others say to put a glass full of beer near the snail's favourite plants: it seems they are very fond of beer and they fall into the glass!
i don't remember if we have some photos of my husband's paintings. i have to look for them.
just a question: isn't it more difficult to have some hostas in pots? i know every plant need more water when it's placed in pot instead of in the ground....


I have heard of these solutions to the problem of snails, but they don't usually work very well! The beer trap works but I don't really want to buy beer especially for my snails!

In the summer the ground becomes very dry & the water I want to give to my hostas just disappears. If they are in pots with big saucers, I can keep the water where I want it.


Giardinauta Senior
i agree. it's better to conserve beer for us.... a good fresh beer........ i think to sip a beer under the summer's sun is one of the most fantastic things in the life!


Giardinauta Senior
(it isn't a "hot" news!!) have you read on "Repubblica" this article??


About pecorino cheese:
an italian professor translates "Dalla pecora al pecorino"- tracciabilità e rintracciabilità di filiera nel settore lattiero caseario toscano, into "From sheep to Doggy Style" - traceability of milk chain in Tuscany.

i'm dying laughing...
really to translate something is very difficult... and dangerous......


Maestro Giardinauta
jp60 and belvedere,me too i never use poison in my garden.And I have promised myself not to kill animals anymore.I read that some treatments make suffer a lot those little animals.Less we do,more the nature will find the right balance....


Maestro Giardinauta
Sorry Luca,I don't like very much tests,and at my age(61) I study the things I really like.Anyhow I think it's very important to study languages.At least two.......


Giardinauta Senior
Harma & LucaM

now i'm 51 years old... so my memories of schooldays are far from me....

i went to school many many many years ago…. and I hated any exams, because I was very shy…..
I never studied very much, but I was a rather good student, because I heard lessons with attention… and I didn’t fail any exams.
I didn’t like technical subjects, while i loved both Latine and English and French….
I think to learn foreign languages is important (latine too), certainly if we learn when we are child it’s amusing and less difficult…..
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Giardinauta Senior
jp60 and belvedere,me too i never use poison in my garden.And I have promised myself not to kill animals anymore.I read that some treatments make suffer a lot those little animals.Less we do,more the nature will find the right balance....


I admit…. Sometimes i use poison, but seldom, if necessary…
Once I saw some dead bees - after I gave a poison - and it made me understand it’s not a right way to solve the problem….

last summer i saw a small gecko in my roof garden- on seventh floor! - and i felt a great emotion!:love:
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Master Florello
Hi guys! Very glad to see that you keep the conversation going :)

Belvedere, thanks for that article, it's hilarious! :lol:

Harma, you also made me laugh with the story about your son's cake... :fifone2::D

:Saluto: have a nice weekend!


Latin doesn't have an 'e' at the end. A small correction just to keep up the good work!

Today is a beautiful day at last. I want to go out and do some work in the garden, but I'm afraid a lot of my plants may be dead!

If I use snail pellets (poison for slugs and snails), I usually only use it in my pots underneath the leaves or with a small amount of earth on top of it. You don't need to use very much. I never spray anything.


Master Florello

Have a nice week-end... :)


Master Florello
Hi JP :)

If you use snail pellets, be careful if there're other animals that 'visit' your garden, because it's higly toxics also for other species. I'm sure it is for cats and dogs, not about birds but it could be. So, I'd cover it with something that prevent other animals from reaching it.

Bye, enjoy the sunny day!


I used it last year for the first time, but only in my hosta pots. They are the biggest pots I could find & the pellets were covered. I worry more for birds and hedgehogs that may eat the dead snails. I don't know if I'll use it this year. I hate to see my hostas full of holes, but poison is a horrible way to kill something.


Master Florello
Hi gEgio! :)
Well done! We can share our ideas with an other person.
Have you spent a good time this week end? I'm afflict from the idea that tomorrow is already monday. It's impossible! Holidays: where are you? :lol:
Seriously, I like to go to school. My parents often say: "I'm happy I haven't had to go to school anymore!", but they don't totally have strange ideas.
Bye! :)