I'm wondering if you folks who are participating in this conversation in English might be interested in a "goal-based" conversation? I was thinking of descriptions of your gardens/balconies/pots on windowsills, that is, whatever and wherever you're growing plants. I'm a native English speaker (U.S.), by the way.
Nice to meet you, Melissa

I agree with you, talking about something we are interested in will be of help.
I just read about all of your gardens and plants, an enjoyable reading.
As for my garden, the first thing I have to say is that it still needs a lot of work. This was my grandparents' (from my mom's side) house and used to be a very nice place. But when they both passed away we couldn't spend much time taking care of it, so it became a little messy. Also, last year we had to dig all around the house to lay some big pipes and re-do the pathwalks, it was sort of a building site... no more grass, and stones everywhere, aww

Sometimes I don't even know from where to start, since I should do it all by myself.
Anyway, the vegetable garden my grandad used to grow has gone by now, in the neighbours' yard there are some big birch tress whose roots reached our property and there's no way to grow anything anynmore.
There're still some fruit trees, a young cherry tree, two fig trees, an old persimmon, an apricot tree that is gorgeous in Spring when it blooms but so far has made only a few fruits, a plum tree that is very generous with that but is sick and I don't know if we manage to save it. And some old grape plants (it's 'uva fragola', yummy!).
As for flowers, there're lots of bulbs: especially daffodils, hyacinths and tulips. I'm looking forward to seeing the first ones! Then, there're a few plants of roses and many of hydrangeas: this is a vid of them I took in 2010, enjoy!
......I do not really understand your proposal.
I think that 'suggestion' would be a better choice, here. A 'proposal' is something formal, and what a guy does when he asks his girlfriend to marry him (he proposes). If she says yes, then they got engaged
........people who know well the language are here, I think that Elena would tell you lots of advice
Er... Actually, since Melissa is American, it's more likely that I could learn something from her
.........Exactly. Our professor has refused to let us learn them because he believes it's a waste of time; you learn them speaking and communicating.
That's just what I decided to do, because I don't really like learning things by heart. I find that passive learning is quite effective, in the long run.
......I'm a native of Florida (north Florida) and also lived for a decade in western Washington state. As I recall Philadelphia has a stupendous art museum, but that's not likely to impress a European. And of course it was the capital during our Revolutionary War.
In 2003 I spent a month in New York (well, I was in Jersey City, actually, but it was easy reaching the city), and I took a one day trip to Philadephia. I so wanted to visit the Museum of Art, but it was closed that day

I could admire only the beautiful building with its statues and mosaics.. and some tourists taking pictures as Stallone in Rocky, you know, the end of the 'Rocky steps' scene. It was funny

However, I managed to see the Liberty Bell
I already asked about that to JP and Harma... what brought you here in Italy, Melissa? (if you feel like telling us, of course) I was going to move in the States, a few years ago, to help an American friend of mine with her business (she wanted to open a shop and sell Tuscan and other Italian gourmet products in San Francisco), but then we the economy problems we all know she had to postpone the whole thing and then I'm still here.