Timing of glyphosate applications is critical.
To obtain maximum control, purple nutsedge flowers
should be present before herbicide application.
Translocation throughout the plant is limited before
floral emergence, and the herbicide will only eradicate
top growth and not existing underground tubers. Apply
glyphosate 2–3 months after the initial emergence of
purple nutsedge. This will eradicate all underground
tubers connected to the emerged purple nutsedge shoots,
as well as the original tubers that sprouted. The purple
nutsedge population will be greatly reduced, but it is
unlikely that this procedure will eradicate the entire
purple nutsedge stand. Tubers that are dormant or not
connected to aboveground leaves will not be affected,
as glyphosate is de-activated once it comes into contact
with the soil. If purple nutsedge continues to be a serious
problem, repeat this procedure accordingly.