ricordo che fu testato su poa pratensis vs poa annua con una efficacia simile a quella dell'ethofumesate ... quindi non efficace al 100% ... se lo fosse stai pur certo che lo userebbero ancora
qui dice un buon controllo della annua su kbg ... ma è un test del 1992 ... come ti dicevo, da altre parti l'efficacia c'era ma non entusiasmante ... inoltre non saprei dirti se si possa usare su loietti e festuche
Annual Bluegrass Control in Turf (1992)
C. J. Bubar, J. B. Ross
Two separate trials commenced in the fall of 1991 when a herbicide Prograss, (active ingredient Ethofumesate) was applied to Prominent creeping bentgrass and to Kentucky bluegrass turf for the control of annual bluegrass. Evaluations were conducted in the fall of 1991 and in the spring of 1992. R
ecommended rates and timing for the applications had no significant effect on annual bluegrass populations in either trial. An early snowfall hampered the final fall application of this material on Kentucky bluegrass and may have affected the effectiveness of the product.
The trial was continued in the fall of 1992, with two formulations of Prograss applied, as well as, one application of Afolan (Linuron) and one application of Dimension (Dithiopyr). Final evaluations will be conducted in April and May of 1993 regarding the effectiveness of these products.
There was some crop damage evident in the fall applied Afolan when evaluations were conducted. This may indicate an application rate that was too high.
temo che l'effetto sia inconsistente come la maggior parte degli erbicidi contro la annua e può anche danneggiare l'erba .... se vuoi fai una prova in una zona defilata del prato, non usarlo direttamente su tutto il manto