A questo punto bisognerebbe fare un po di chiarezza.
In un prato di steno o paspa, come va eliminato il feltro? in che modo si può fare l'arieggiatura?
St augustine
Excessive thatch can limit root growth, harbor insects
and disease, and reduce the efficacy of some pesticide
applications. If the thatch layer exceeds 1/2 inch, vertical
mowing is required. Vertical mower blades penetrate
into the surface, removing thatch buildup at
the soil-turfgrass interface.
The blades should be spaced
approximately 3 inches apart for St. Augustinegrass.
This is significantly wider than the spacing used for
bermudagrass (Cynodon species), seashore paspalum
(Paspalum vaginatum), or zoysiagrass (Zoysia species).
The blades should not be set deep enough to penetrate
the soil surface; there should be at least 1/2 inch of plant
material between the bottom of the blade and the soil
surface. Reducing blade spacing and/or increasing blade
penetration depth will damage the existing turfgrass
stand. Debris (thatch) brought to the surface after vertical
mowing can be raked, vacuumed, or blown off, but
its removal is essential.
Vertical mowing will damage the existing turfgrass
stand. To reduce recuperation time, vertically mow only
during periods of active growth. To promote recuperation,
irrigate deeply after vertical mowing and apply 1
pound of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft.
Seashore paspalum
Periodic removal of thatch with a “vertical mower”
is necessary to properly maintain a healthy
seashore paspalum turfgrass stand. Golf course putting
greens and fairways should be vertically mowed two
to four times annually. Sites receiving more foot traffic
(athletic fields, golf courses tees, landscaped areas) may
require more frequent vertical mowing. Increased stolon
growth following vertical mowing has been reported.
Examine thatch buildup by pulling cores. Action
is required if the layer of thatch is between 1/2 and
3/4 inch thick. Vertical mower blades penetrate into the
surface, removing thatch buildup at the soil-turfgrass
interface. Blades should be spaced approximately 1 inch
apart for seashore paspalum. Mow in two directions at
right angles. Debris (thatch) brought to the surface after
vertical mowing can be raked, vacuumed, or blown off,
but its removal is essential. This can be done by hand
or with one of the many commercially available units.
Similar to what is recommended for hybrid bermudagrass,
light, frequent topdressing applications (< 1/4 inch) of
sand will help prevent development of excessive thatch.
On sand-based sites, is important to select a topdressing
sand that is similar in particle size to that found in the root
zone. Topdressing programs are designed to supplement
vertical mowing, not replace them. Topdressing alone
will not effectively control thatch buildup in seashore
paspalum. Vertical mowing is essential.