Scusate se il mio intervento e' stato inserito cosi' tante volte, il fatto e' che ho ricevuto tante volte un errore e comunque non vedevo il mio messaggio inserito.
Ci sono ancor problemi col software perche' non rieco ad accedere al mio profilo.
Ecco l'errore
(RequireVars) CGIPath/Members/user_raters/00003191.cgi: Can't locate CGIPath/Members/user_raters/00003191.cgi at CGIPath/ubb_lib.cgi line 939.
Please inform the board administration of this error so that they may fix the problem. Thank you!
ecco proprio nel salvare questo messaggio ottengo un altro errore
Sorry, UBB has encountered an unexpected, fatal error. This error is extremely abnormal. Please contact the board administration. The error text is:
Can't open 'CGIPath/Members/user_posts/00003191.cgi'.
Permission was denied - please ask the administrator to check the permissions on that file/directory.
The exact error returned by the operating system is:
Permission denied