Questi sono solo alcuni.
Se vai su Amazon la lista è molto più lunga:
AA.VV.*Botanica's Orchids. Over 1200 species listed*2002
Oakes Ames, Donovan Stewart Correll*Orchids of Guatemala and Belize*1985
Eric Hansen*Orchid fever. A horticultural tale of love, lust, lunacy.*2000
Rebecca Tyson Nothen*Home orchid growing. 3 ed.*1970 Rebecca Tyson Nothen*Orchids as house plants*1976
Steven A Frowine*Orchids for dummies*2005
Merle A. Reinikka*A history of the orchid*1995
A.A. Chadwick, A.E. Chadwick*The classic Cattleyas*2006
Zdenek Jezek*The complete encyclopedia of orchids*2003
Bill Lavarack, Wayne Harris, Geoff Stocker *Dendrobium and Its Relatives*2006
Emly S. Siegerist, Gustavo A. Romero-Gonzalez *Bulbophyllums and Their Allies: A Grower's Guide: A Grower's Guide*2001
Mary E. Gerritsen, Ron Parsons *Masdevallias: Gems of the Orchid World*2005
Alec Pridgeon *The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Orchids *
Carl L. Withner* The Cattleyas and Their Relatives: Volume I: The Cattleyas *1988
Carl L. Withner*Cattleyas and Their Relatives: Vol. II: The Laelias*1990
Carl L. Withner*The Cattleyas and Their Relatives, Vol. 3, Schomburgkia,Sophronitis and Other South American Genera*2004
Carl L. Withner*The Cattleyas and Their Relatives
olume IV: The Bahamian and Caribbean Species*1996
Carl L. Withner *The Cattleyas and Their Relatives: Volume V: Brassavola,
Encyclia, and Other Genera of Mexico and Central America*1998
Carl L. Withner*The Cattleyas and Their Relatives
olume VI: The South American Encyclia Species*2000
Ned Nash, Isobyl la Croix*Flora's Orchids *2005
Phillip Cribb*The Genus Paphiopedilum*1999
Lance A. Birk*The Paphiopedilum Grower's Manual *2004
John Tullock *Growing Hardy Orchids *2005
Rebecca Tyson Nothen*Miniature Orchids and How to Grow Them*1996
Ortho, Elvin McDonald*Ortho's All About Orchids*1999
Henry Jaworski*Orchids Simplified*1997
Helmut Bechtel, Phillip Cribb, Edmund Launert*The Manual of Cultivated Orchid Species: 3rd Edition *1992
Robert G. M. Friend *Growing orchids in your garden*2004
Ci sarebbero altri quattro volumi che includono tutte le specie (a quanto mi è parso di capire) della famiglia delle orchidee ma il prezzo per il momento è un po' proibitivo (da un min. di 100€ ad un massimo di 160€).